Growing wildflowers - from seeds to seeds

This set of science-focused sessions can be used across a unit of learning, allowing learners to observe the stages of growth for flowering plants within and across seasons. 

Pupils will start by learning about seeds. They will compare different types of seeds and discuss what they need in order to germinate and grow. They will then learn about the importance of wildflowers and be given the opportunity to sow wildflower seeds somewhere around your school. Pupils will observe these plants as they grow, providing context to their learning about the stages of growth for flowering plants.

© Eden Project. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

~ 1 hour


What you need

Download the following materials from the resources section below: 

  • teacher guidance to support step by step delivery
  • slides
  • different types of seeds activity
  • card Sort


Indoors and outdoors

Step by step

  1. Download the guidance in the resources section.
  2. Read the guidance for step by step instructions.

*Please note that this lesson will take longer than one hour as children are investigating and planting the best conditions for seed growth. Further timings available in the download.