Plant investigations

Learners will design their own experiments to see what plants need to grow well. As a class, learners first discuss what a plant requires to grow. Then in groups, learners will investigate a variable each by designing a planting investigation. Learners might investigate a question like does it matter how deep you sow the seed?

The basis of this investigation does lend itself to more advanced enquiries, about the impact of soil pH or different fertilisers, if you'd like to use it with older learners. 

© Learning Through Landscapes. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

~ 1 hour


What you need
  • sunflower seeds
  • squared paper and pencils for recording
  • rulers
  • identical plant pots with drainage holes
  • watering can
  • compost and a little sand
  • sunny, part-shaded and shaded areas


Step by step

  1. Download the guidance in the resources section.
  2. Read the guidance for step by step instructions.