Weather people
This information sheet provides a simple overview of different roles who inform us about and use weather information. This includes weather forecasters, weather presenters, weather observers, ship’s officers, fishermen, farmers, sailors and airline pilots. It can be used to inform role play or discuss the different roles people have to help us with the weather.
©The Royal Meteorological Society. All rights reserved.
What you need
- a copy of weather jobs guidance
RMetS Weather Jobs Guide.pdf
500.21 KB
Step by step
- Download the weather jobs guidance.
- Use the information sheet to inform role play or for a discussion about the different roles people have to help us with the weather.
Curriculum links
This activity can be used to support curriculum knowledge and skill development in PSHE and citizenship, alongside enhancing nature education, with age appropriate adaptations.
What to try next
The Power of Books
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Points of view
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