Who lives where?

This activity pack supports learners to discover different habitats and micro-habitats, including the wetland habitats and animals that live there. Through carefully observing wildlife cards, learners can made decisions on where different wildlife might live. They can discuss the similarities and differences between different wildlife, especially based on how they are adapted to their specific habitat. 

© This activity is provided by WWT under an Open License (Creative Commons Attrribution 4.0 International)

~ 1 hour


What you need
  • paper
  • colouring pens and pencils
  • string or wool
  • ruler and scissors (optional)
  • wetland Wildlife Cards (see final pages of the document - optional)
  • habitats’ visual sheet printed out (see final pages of the document- optional)    

Indoors and outdoors

Step by step

  1. Download the who lives here habitat guidance.
  2. Print copies of the wetland wildlife cards. 
  3. Read the guidance for step by step instructions for each activity.