Young people at a crossroads
Through interviews, focus groups and young people’s own interviews with parents, this book shares perspectives of what a diverse group of young people are learning about climate change at school in different countries, how they feel about what they are learning and how they talk about this with their families.
These perspectives can help signpost how as individuals, communities and societies we can adapt to climate change in ways that value difference and diversity, treating opportunities to learn from one another as one of the greatest resources we have to live well in a changing climate.
©University of Manchester. Funded by UK ESRC. Illustrations designed and owned by Maisy Summer.
What you need
- a copy of the teacher guide booklet
- a copy of the project booklet
Step by step
Download the teacher guidance and corresponding book in the resources section. Use the step by step below to help you use the resources.
This guide:
- Presents a brief ‘setting the scene’ review of research and policy developments to explain how a whole school approach to climate change is both necessary and possible (p.2).
- Takes you through ways of initiating a whole school approach by getting your school leadership and colleagues on board, so that educators working across subjects can teach on climate change effectively and confidently (p.3).
- Presents spark ideas and activities for working with the YPAC creative book (pp.4- 8). These are designed to be adaptable to different year levels, subjects, and curricular contexts, and will easily ignite your own ideas and variations. Whilst we’ve written this with secondary schools in mind, this guide is easy to adapt to a primary school setting.
Curriculum links
This activity can be used to support curriculum knowledge and skill development in Geography, Science and Citizenship, alongside enhancing nature education, with age appropriate adaptations.